It's my dear friend Shawn Gurk's birthday today. He's 29! He is one year, one month, and one day older than me, in case you didn't already know that. 8/28/78 and 9/29/79. Huh... Anyway, on to more pressing issues...
Have you ever noticed how something you are waiting for just seems to pushed farther away because other people don't seem to be as pressured? That's what it's like waiting right now. Some of you might not know what I'm referring to right now and that's okay, I'll inform you when it's over. That should be tomorrow. (Please, God!) But Amber and I have grown closer together through this process and learned a lot about praying for God's will, sacrificing our desires and dreams, and realizing how big God is and how he sees a much bigger picture than our little world here in Howells-land.
For those of you who know, please keep praying. God will be glorified for what ever the outcome. Amen!