Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The big picture

Ok- so the news we've been waiting for has turned out to not be the way WE wanted it to turn out. Brad interviewed for a job that sounded like it was almost as good as his- he even drove home from our family trip to PA early to go through the interviewing process- all for naught it now seems. BUT- after having digested this a bit today I'm thinking that in a few years we will be able to look back and say "OH! so THAT's why we didn't get this job!" . God sees the bigger picture. We're just trusting in that.
So it's a rough day today but we're alright. Time to move on and be grateful for what we have!

1 comment:

Jeff & Elizabeth said...

I figured a job was what yesterday's post was about. I'm so sorry that it didn't work out (we've been there OH so many times too!). We'll keep praying with you guys for him to find a great job somewhere that allows him the opportunities that he doesn't currently have at VNHA

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