Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas sum up

This December is a bit of a blur for me. Adjusting to life with 4 kids threw me for a loop! After 6 weeks (isn't that the typical maternity leave time? =) I am starting to get a grip of it now. Our Christmas time, however, was very sweet albeit fuzzy for me.
I am loving the kids getting older and remembering silly and sappy traditions like making monkey bread, reindeer food, nativity scene hunting, balloons on Christmas morning for Jesus' birthday, sleeping out under the Christmas tree on Christmas eve and getting glowsticks for the church's candlelight service.
Then there is finding and giving THE perfect gift. Oh the JOY in giving!

Seeing the older kids take the lead in wanting to play more strategical games, organizing a play or teaching your cousin the sign language to Silent Night.

And don't forget about the girly Christmas clothes! =) That was a bit of fun this year too. ;-)

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