Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's Taco night

There is nothing special about what I'm serving for dinner tonight.  Tacos is typical fare around our house.
Our company, however, is another story. 
Last week our Little Lady's caseworker asked us if we would be interested in mentoring her mom.  There was an hour time opening in Mom's schedule that the caseworker saw an an opportunity to spend time together.  I was a bit hesitant at first- namely because the time frame was from 5:30-6:30 and my mind went right to "but that's when I'm feeding my family!" =)  So, after some brainstorming I (brilliantly) suggested that well, since WE had to eat supper and Mom has to eat supper- why don't we just do THAT together here at our home?? (I know, I surprise myself with such keen insight ;-)  After approvals and figuring details out a bit we're excited to be able to spend some time with Mom tonight and each Wednesday for at least the next 8 weeks.  I don't know how YOUR dinner times go but ours are full of noise, reminding manners, attempted conversation, complaining about the food, usually an escaped bodily function which assures LOTS of giddiness, typically some exasperation on the adults behalf and summed up with some bible reading which is usually heard between giggles and burps.  Real life 101 I guess- and we can't be less than who we are.  My prayer going into this evening with a bit of trepidation is that we will just extend our craziness to envelop Mom into our circle.  I don't know what God is up to but I DO know how to serve up some tacos... 
Thanks for praying-


~Carla~ said...

Oh goodness, you are brave. I have had birth grandparents into my home, but never a birth mom. I don't know if I'm brave enough for that. I will be praying for you. Can't wait to hear how it turns out.....and your meal time sounds like ours! So glad to know we aren't alone lol! ~Carla~

Titanium said...
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