Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hittin' the Beach

I hate diets.
I really hate fad diets.
and I hate that I get sucked into them!
When Jaedon was about 9 months old Brad and I decided we NEEDED to do something about our diet. We researched some out there and ended up liking the South Beach Diet. We geared up for it, stuck to it and w/in 2 months I had lost 30 pounds and he lost 25!! (That's like loosing Jaedon! =D )
over time (and pregnancies) we got less and less "beachy" and have now found ourselves eating like we used to and...well, LOOKING like we used to ;)
So...we're headin' back to 'the Beach'.
For those of you who don't know the SBD, I'll give you a rundown.
There are 3 phases of this (he doesn't call it a 'diet' but a change of lifestyle)
Phase One lasts for 2 weeks and it's goal is to flush our your body. No bread, no milk, no sugar, no fruit. Just meat (proteins and he recommends lean cuts which...yeah right I can't even afford the regular cuts!) cheese and veggies. mmm... sounds great eh?

After the first 2 weeks (and I can vouch for this) your body doesn't CRAVE the carbs and you (ideally) have gotten rid of them in your house (unless you have small children ...doh ;) and they really don't tempt you anymore. Thus begins phase 2: Re-introducing carbs...only the GOOD ones. Whole grains - oatmeal, brown rice, multi-grain everything and fruits - just very slowly and very limited.

Phase 3 is the maintenance phase where you live the rest of your life (uh...ideally?! ;)
It is actually a very healthy way to live and eat. When we were following it, Brad and I found that we ate less and had more energy too.
Sooo... today is day 2 of Phase 1. ugh. Days 2-5 I think are the hardest. I'm super glad Brad and I can do it together! I'll have to keep you posted about the ...hopeful...success we have!
cucumber anyone? ;)


Anonymous said...

You make me laugh. Best of luck to you and Brad on your weightloss journey. I've been trying to run and lose weight, but it's been a slow process. I tried the SBD before, and I about DIED the first two weeks. :-)

The mom~ster said...

ok so I took 2 secs to play your hangman game and was trying to figure out a synonym for (get this) GARBAGE BIN...I finally reazlized that GARBAGE BIN is actually just the letters I guessed game though...I'm jost not soooo brilliant these days. ;)

good look on the eating reformation...

BAHowells said...

I did the same thing yesterday when I set it up! HA!

The mom~ster said...

i'm snail mailing you a sbd friendly recipe

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