Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well, just FYI- I didn't loose ANY extra pounds this week! Isn't that stinky!?? I am back to pre-Owen weight (yay) and hopefully it'll come off eventually. I think my 30 by 30 (30 lbs by my 30th bday in Nov) is not so realistic tho ;)
thanks for checking!


Mike and Sarah said...

I think all people who are in the process of losing weight have a week where they don't lose anything. Don't be discouraged. I think it's amazing that you are already to your pre-Owen weight!!!

BeckyG. said...

I have been meaning to say that you are looking really great! I can tell you have lost weight and good for you for already being pre-Owen! They say it's typical to take a year to lose the baby weight so you are already ahead! Keep it up (if you want to)!

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