Friday, February 13, 2009

My little helper

This morning I was folding laundry and asked Seth if he could go to his room and find me "as many hangers as you can!" What excitement and elation as he kept finding more and more....
and more hangers.
I was puzzled because I was pretty sure there were only about 5 or 6 empty hangers.
Then I remembered I hadn't exactly said the hangers had to already BE empty.

Note to self- be specific with toddlers! ;)


Jonathan Kelly clark said...

oh the joy...

Mr. Howells said...

Way to be an overachiever Seffers!

Becky Gravley said...

i love it! you are always on the ready with your camera. i'm glad, cause it gives me something to laugh at! =)

friendlyfaces said...

I can't stop laughing at that one! Way to go Seth!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder to smile! Seth sounds alot like Nate....brings back some awesome memories;>)

BeckyG. said...

Oh wow..that is hilarious! I bet he had a hoot taking them all down! New game....see how many shirts you can hang up!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute...I love it!! Kiddos!!

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