This also makes the third November that we've worked at memorizing Psalm 100. As is the case with any routine- it's easy to start being robotic about familiar passages and not truly think about what you're saying.
I thought I'd share what I enjoyed in my quiet time today. Some meditations on our current memory verses: Psalm 100
Shout - be verbal, make some noise
for joy - a deeply rooted internal contenement despite outward circumstances.
to the Lord, Oh earth.
Worship- kneel, sing, serve, pray, bless, confess, give
the Lord with gladness- and smile while you're at it.
Come before Him- be intentional, purposeful- make a point of going to God
with joyful songs- "Sing songs, hymns and spiritual songs" I think God likes music!
Know- don't just believe it- know it
that the Lord is God- this is a statement of truth.
It is He who made us- see Genesis
and we are His- a promise of security
We are his people- us Gentiles are grafted into his family tree and share the promises of his people.
the sheep of his pasture - thankful for his precious, protective, guiding shepherds staff
Enter his gates- we are invited to go- so get going!
with thanksgiving- "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks..."
And into his courts with praise- Not only am I invited to come to Him, I'm allowed to enter his presence and bless him.
Give- another action
thanks to Him and praise His name- Why?
For the Lord is good - Do I truly believe this statement- despite how I may feel about it?
His love - his unconditional favor towards this wayward, grafted in rebellious child
ENDURES- never ends
His faithfulness- I serve a God that is true to his Word.
continues through all generations- a future promise.
A thought I've been challenged with as we seek to generate an attitude of gratitude (not just now but all year long) - how well am I modeling gratitude? Do my kids hear me complain about this or that? Do I verbally express thanks through-out my day?
Happy Giving Thanks day to you. May it be more than just a day.
Love the Thanksgiving tree! What a great idea!!
Amen, friend!
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