Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life round these here parts...

Did you ever look at your calendar and wonder who keeps writing on it and then secretly plot to hunt them down and whip them with a wet noodle?
Hmm... the handwriting looks awfully familiar though....
Anyway- we're busy but what else is new? That seems to the mantra for every and any one. The question is- what am I busying myself with? I'm often reminded (and convicted) that my calendar is a much of a proclaimer of my priorities as that of my checkbook. How am I doing at sharing the resources God has given me? My time, my energy, my backyard, my food, my money, my thoughts, my kids, my husband, my evenings, my coffee-
We have so much don't we?
As our family launches into this "busy" summer season I hope I can find ways every day to remember to align my calendar with God's priorities.

Brad and the boys built their own climbing wall a few weekends ago. It rocks!

Even SuperHeros need a potty break-
This was the garage sale find of the century (according to my boys). And while they have only been recipents to about 1/30th of the stash it has already been able to occupy them for HOURS. I DON'T GET IT. =)
Popcycles with some friends
The Young Marrieds class picnic.
Complete with a rousing game of Bocce Ball, friends and food.


~Carla~ said...

Ahh, summer, I love it. Thanks for the timely reminder of our priorities. ~Carla~

Anonymous said...

the super hero taking a potty break is my absolute favorite...i had been thinking with the commencment of summmer the laundry might decrease...but i forgot...about how much more laundry there is with potty training boys who forget to take time for a break...and all the wet clothes...therefore...its a wash..literally

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