Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So I've had a few days to think, talk and pray about this whole Egress Window issue.
After thinking about the whys, wheres and how much-es I realized that this initial jolt that I previously wrote about has more to do with my heart than my bank account. The ugly truth is what return for this investment will there be? Surely a child we are able to Lord willing, eventually adopt will not wake up one day and resound with gratitude over the fact that we may have skipped a vacation, or some activities so that an Egress Window could be placed in our house! Ridiculous notion but deeply buried nonetheless.

I count myself as very blessed to be able to have people in my life that will help give me perspective, wisdom, advice or a butt kicking every now and then. This was a gentle reminder I received recently:
When is the last time I resounded with gratitude over Christ's sacrifice (of oh so much more than mere money)
so that He could adopt me?

He certainly grasps the concept of enormous sacrifice with no guarantee of returned affection or appreciation and, in fact, knowing quite the opposite would occur.

Oh, forgive me of my own nearsightedness and enlarge my heart today!


~Carla~ said...

Love your perspective. Can't wait to see how God works in your behalf. ~Carla~

The mom~ster said...

I can't wait to hear the end of this egress window story...

so often when my own resources seems inadequate this verse comes to mind...it is such a comfort: His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. IIPeter 1:3...

I'm especially fond of the the "for life" part...but I am also learning that the "knowledge of him" part is unplumbable (sp?) ...everytime I learn something new about Him...I realize I know only a molecule of All of Him.

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