Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Brad and Jaedon's new "toy". They LOVE it!!!!!!
Seths' sticky, slurpy, summery snack!
Growin' Owen
(okay so I'm not a fan of the rhyming thing but...)

Well, we are two weeks and one day into our newly establishing family of five! Things are going- honestly, better than I expected. Owen is a good baby- he eats well and, as long as he burps, he is pretty easy going and happy. I was very encouraged when he was 8lbs 10ozs. at his 10 day appt.!! (he was 7lbs 11ozs. going home so he gained almost 1 pound in a week!) Nights are going ok too (ok last night's 2 hour awake time was not so fun) but he seems to have the nights and days figured out.
Jaedon really seems to love his little brother - and often will call him "my favorite brother". Hmm... ;) He baby talks to him (but so do we!) and likes to hold him too. I haven't noticed any regressive behavior in him so far. He and Seth still pick on each other but that's nothing new! ;)

Seth seems to like Owen okay too. I think he kinda forgets about him most of the time. He did have a few wake up in the middle of the night crying for Mama times - (like twice) and he seems to needing a bit more physical touch more than usual (he's not a typical cuddler like Jaedon) but I think he's doing well too. I think having Brad around is SOOOooo good...not just helpful for me but the boys get some one on one time with one parent or the other.

Tonight we're going to see Horton Hears a Who - Seth's first time at a theatre. I'm excited to see how it goes! =)

1 comment:

The mom~ster said...

M will be so jealous of the tag along bike he really wants one

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