Thursday, May 27, 2010

Family pix

A friend from church took these shots last week. I think she's amazingly talented (especially considering the serious circus that my family was attempting to be as she clicked away...)
Pictures are funny to me. They are a still shot of a single moment in time when it just happens that all people involved are facing somewhat in a similar direction- what you don't see is the handstands, tears, falling downs, scoldings, bridge-jumping, rock-eating, kids running away moments...that, believe me, are a lot longer than a moment! So...enjoy the still-life photos ...just know they are just an image of a very NOT still-life family! =)

1 comment:

The mom~ster said...

your friend must have a lovely perspetive on life to see the beauty in each of those moments...they are really stunning pitures and capture the reality that is a home full of boys

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