Monday, March 7, 2011


Brad and I are attempting to read the Bible through in a year this year. Brad found a cool reading plan that has you read the Bible in chronological order. Right now we're in the middle of Numbers. Can I just say- HOW in the world did these Jewish men memorize all these names, numbers, places???
Amid all the mispronunciations though I am very aware of God's repeated attempts to gather his children near by and to tell them their story- HIS story. In my study of Isaiah as we are reading I see it time and again how God is reminding his people...remember, remember ...REMEMBER!
I'm a visual learner so I love reading about the very physical acts of remembering that God sets up for his people. The feasts, festivals are all about remembering. The stones he had the Israelites set up to remember their crossing of the Jordan- He is passionate about our remembering him.

So why is that?

Perhaps because he knows his sheep.

We're dumb.
We're forgetful.

So if God is so desirous of our remembering his faithfulness not only in the story of our lives but his story of all lives- then what am I doing to remember?
Last night was a sweet time of remembering for us. We were able to share our stories/testimonies/journey with our small group. The neatest part of it though was realizing that in our own rehashing we were able to see God's faithfulness more clearly than we would have had we gone on and not remembered!
Do you have any habits of rememberance? I'd love to hear about your "pile of stones".


The mom~ster said...

this is not an area where I've been real stellar lately...but I did hear a neat idea recently that I thought you might like.

Our SS teacher said he does his quiet time Mond - Sat and then on Sun he reviews what he has been learning through the past week. Every now and then he uses that Sunday time to go back further--months/years. I thought that was an eat idea.

The mom~ster said...


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