Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter continued

This was the end of our confession cross. On Good Friday after reading the book we've been going through we took some streamer and had 'Jesus' blood' cover our sins. And since it was after dinner and the boys were a bit rambunctious we also played "He's Dead He's Dead He's Alive" (variation of Duck Duck Goose). I'm still deciding if that was irreverent or not.

Brad and Jaedon went to practice at church early so we had our first (and hopefully not our last) "Easter Sunrise" breakfast. These resurrection rolls were fun. You roll a marshmallow around in some butter and cinnamon-sugar then wrap it up in a cresant roll. The mallow melts when you bake the roll and it's empty when you eat it. Brad had fun making the bacon crosses and the empty tomb pancakes were a last minute addition. Not sure why the picture posted sideways...sorry.

There's not too much cuter things in the world than little men in little suits -

Our afternoon egg hunting and coloring with cousins and friends. But my very favorite part of the entire weekend was Jaedon saying in his ever-growing wisdom, "Ya know, Mom, searching for the eggs if kindof like what we're supposed to do with God and then opening the eggs and eating the candy is too because God is sweet like candy. Right?"
Right on, buddy.

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