Tuesday, April 12, 2011

a new adventure-

I posted this note on Facebook earlier this week. So, because my MOM doesn't do facebook ;-) I thought I'd paste this here for you.

Today we are going to our second class in our fostering licensing training. If you happen to be one of the 4 people who read this and don't know what I'm talking about... you must've just accidentally found my blog ;-) Read on...

So WHY are we adopting? I mean we already have kids right?

Well- here's the long answer:

As people of faith, Brad and I are continually looking for ways to put our faith into action. I mean really- what good is professing faith if you're not possessing it? (to quote my bible study leader)

James 1:27 says

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress ..." So if God thinks they are important- why shouldn't we?

Now, saying this I want to make it clear that we are NOT saying that doing enough good things (i.e. going to church, donating to charity, adopting) is enough to earn us a gold star with God. The Bible is very clear that the ONLY way to God is by realizing 1. you sin 2. sin means there is a debt on your head 3. Jesus is the only one who can (and has already) paid the debt and 4. Every person has to decide to accept their debt cancellation for themselves. Because that debt has been paid for us- we then choose to "do good" things as an expression of our appreciation for our own adoption.

The short answer?

Brad (and company) would like a GIRL in the house! =D

- the DETAILS:

at this point are that we have decided to pursue adoption through our foster care system here in West Michigan. We have our licensing study underway and as of today completed 1/4 of the training required to become licensed. We are being a bit picky as we are looking for a girl and we want to keep the birth order intact- so 2 and under. We have NO idea of a time frame and it also includes quite a bit of risk as the nature of the foster system is to first and foremost reunite kids with their birth parents. This is going to be a huge time of growing for us. We would greatly covet your prayers for our whole family (and any kiddos and families) that we get to meet.

And oh yeah- if you have any hair bow, barrettes, tights, little girl tips... bring it on!

1 comment:

~Carla~ said...

Amber, Hi. I am sure you probably have no idea who I am and after I give some details you still may not know!!! My name is Carla Storer, used to be Carla Elliott. My dad pastored in Howard, Pa where I met Angela Butler-Bills and knew of you through her. That being said, I accidently came across your blog one day when reading comments on Angie's blog. Long story short, I started checking your blog now and then and have so enjoyed seeing how your family has grown. Anyway, I've never commented. I couldn't pass it without commenting today. My husband Jared, and I became foster parents about 8 years ago. We have had over 20 kids live in our home with us. About 15 more who have come for short times to give their foster parents a lil time off. We feel like it is a calling and are so excited when we see other Christian families getting involved. There is such a great need for good foster parents, but a greater need for Christian foster parents. It is such a practical way we can be Jesus' hands and feet to the lil ones. We have adopted twice. Both times, both children were sent to us directly from the Lord. Fostering/adoption is a journey, sometimes it's tearful, sometimes it's full of laughter, but it is always fulfilling and we are so thankful the Lord led us down this road. Thanks for sharing what the Lord is doing in your lives!! Keep us all posted! ~Carla Storer~

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