Monday, September 10, 2007


I LOVE this time of year! It was 65 degrees today and rainy and I loved it! Bring it on!
Our family has had a great summer- we've done a LOT of bubbles, parks, bike rides (somehow they led to a lot of ice cream shop visits. Can't figure that one out;) We did camp-outs, swinging time, drawing on the sidewalk (Jaedon learned Hopscotch only he calls it the stone throw game- and Seth learned to "jump" - only his feet don't leave the ground ;).
I actually went on a bike ride by myself with the boys today. Jaedon rode his "big boy bike" and Seth was in the seat on my bike. It was slow going (I think I walked my bike more than pedaled) but fun to "ride bike together".
This past weekend we went downtown GR to Celebration on the Grand. We had a good time walking around- I love downtown GR.
This is our crew with the Gurk gang. Love you guys!

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