Friday, September 14, 2007

Sick but Sweet

Today my little Seth is sick. =(
I don't usually call the Dr. for every little thing but today was the first time that either of my boys temp. was 104! Of course, "hydrate, rest and tepid baths" (all of which had been done) but for some reason I needed someone with a MD. behind her name to tell me that. =)
But oh the sweetness of a sick baby! It's so nice to have him willingly lay his head on my shoulder and let me just cuddle him. Jaedon sat in a rocking chair next to me, rocked and sang to his Junior Asapargus ;-) Ok, so after singing Jesus Loves Me (like 50 times) we sang ABC's and Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf (classic lullabys right? ;-) But it was sweet time spent with these little blessings.

1 comment:

BeckyG. said...

Poor little Seth! Praying he gets better soon! Nothing like throw-up to let you know how much you are loved!:)

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