Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our Easter weekend

I have entirely too many pictures to post from this past week so I'm going for the collage look-=)
We have had a really enjoyable Easter week. For the second year now we did the Resurrection Eggs (made by Family Life Today). There are a dozen eggs and one item inside each egg that helps tell the Easter story. For example the first egg has a donkey symbolizing Jesus' triumphal entry. There are coins, a crown of thorns, linen etc... the last egg to open on Easter is empty of course! Jaedon had fun with it this year and Seth just liked opening and closing the eggs!
We did our resurrection cookies again too- only after beating the mix for at least 20 minutes it still was not "stiff" as per directed soooo...our cookies, while tasty, were not hollow. Oh well! =)
This year was the first time I've attempted egg decorating with the kids too. It lasted for all of 20 minutes but it was fun. We had some CARS stickers that were a big hit ;)
And on Saturday our church had a Resurrection Egg DROP (!?) The center bottom picture is a picture of just all the 5 and under crew. They had hundreds of kids and families there- it's one of our churches largest outreach times-. They had the kids come to the front section (by age), sit down and some volunteers dropped eggs from the catwalk above. Each child was allowed 1 egg - and actually we made it out unscathed and boasting of one egg. It was pretty well organized for THAT many people and THAT many LITTLE people! oye. Plus our children's pastor gave a super cool, but very short gospel presentation using a Rubik cube! He started with a "done" cube and then how sin messes up our lives (and twisted it to demonstrate). Then he had a teen "fix" the cube (and talked about how Jesus is the only one who can fix our sin problem)- no kidding he did the cube in under 2 minutes. Brad was oogling ;) and it kept Jaedon's attention too.
I hope you all had a fun, and reflective weekend also!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter guys,

We liked seeing the pictures of your fun week.

From the Rices

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