Friday, March 7, 2008

The voice in the night

For the past 4 nights we have put on a story CD for the boys while they fall asleep at night. It's been a BEAUTIFUL thing! Jaedon, who is always in the mood for a story, does not pester Seth and Seth gets bored with kicking the bed (eventually;) and they both fall asleep (eventually).

Three nights ago I heard a woman speaking through the monitor (in the boys room of course) and as it was 12:45 am, it woke me up and I told Brad that someone was IN the boys room talking to them!!! Ahh- love that waking up dilerium! =P Well, Brad went downstairs to their room (he moves a lot faster than I do right now ;) and alas, there was no one in their room (big surprise right!?). He told me it was probably just one of the boys talking in their sleep. Okay- it convinced me enough to fall back asleep.

So TWO nights ago, at 12:45 a.m., I woke up again to a woman TALKING in their room. This time I woke Brad up and cranked up the monitor - sure enough- we were listening to some lady talking inside the boys room. What in the world is going on?! I KNOW I turned off the CD when I re-tucked them! So Brad, again, went to their room and somehow the CD was playing. okay- I was a bit spooked - (I have a pretty wild imagination at times!)

LAST night-after I turned OFF the story CD, I took the CD OUT of the player so that there was no way a woman would be waking me up around 1 again!!!
Have you figured it out yet? No, it wasn't a possessed CD player or strangers in our house. My darling 4 year old had figured out how to set the alarm for - you guessed it 12:45 a.m. - and it was turned on.
*Whew* And I was trying to figure out how to explain "this CD player is possessed" to the sales clerk at Target!! ;)


The mom~ster said...


BeckyG. said...

I'm very glad there wasn't a woman in their room! That is too funny!
I'm also glad that you have found a way to get them to sleep quicker. I'll pray it keeps working!

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