Sunday, March 23, 2008

Seth's Bday!

I love birthdays! We have had Elmo decor in our house all week long - (I should probably take care of that today)- but it's been fun to celebrate Seth's 2nd birthday together. Tuesday, his actual bday, we didn't do anything outstanding (I made pancakes for supper - a sure to please here at the Howells' ;) We got him some Magnestix - magnet toys- that he and Jaedon (and Brad ;) have had fun with. Saturday we had a little party for him - our typical bday gathering of Gma and Granddaddy Howells, Uncle Andy, Aunt Lisa and Katelyn, and the Gurk crew could join us too. This year was special because my mom was able to be here as well. We had an easter egg hunt (meant for the out of doors but I figured it might be kinda tricky to find the eggs in the SIX INCHES OF SNOW we got on Friday) so we did it in our basement instead.
We, obviously, did an Elmo theme- just about perfect for a two year old! =) I had fun decorating the cake altho does ANYONE know of an easier way to make RED frosting? I used 1 1/2 food coloring tubes and we still had a rather pink-tinted Elmo!!
I'll tell you- if I were a two year old I would've been SUPER thrilled about the gifts too! Seth got THREE large balls (as in 3 of the size of the green one in the collage), sand toys and a little wagon to tote them in, a way cool sprinkler, markers (WINDOW markers too which we have already used!!;), and an extra spiffy bubble blower - that we absolutly HAD to try out! SO FUN!
And, of course after the kiddies were down and out the older "kids" got to play some Wii and dance pad. I'm not sure who had more fun - ;)
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Becky Gravley said...

remember that name i used to call you?? heehee i LOVE your blog. you do an awesome job. thanks for sharing pictures of seth's birthday. so excited for you having three boys!! love you guys.

Chrissy said...

awesome! thanks for sharing! The red...only use wilton's a true red and won't dilute the frosting and make it thinner, and it will be red, you still have to use a lot, but it will be red. Elmo turned out wonderfully!

Katie said...

Happy Birthday to Seth!! Your cake is great!! Red frosting is a bear--it takes a ton of coloring, even if it is the wilton.
Looks like you had some fun times this past week. Hopefully you aren't getting to tired out. The baby ball has already started rolling. 3 births this past week and one or two every 2-3 weeks from now until the end of June! Craziness!

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