Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Too cute-
Monday, May 25, 2009
Other happenings
Earlier this spring I mentioned that I would love to have a swinging bench chair for our yard. This is nothing new...there are lots of things I would "LOVE" to have and am totally content knowing MOST of them I never will- or at least not anytime soon! ;) So I was ELATED when I saw this old bench swing at a garage sale for $10!!! It needed some cleaning (I tasked the boys to clean off the bird poop- HA!), Brad tightened the bolts, stained it and voila! We've already enjoyed an iced coffee at nighttime while sittin' and swingin'. oh...and chasing the mosquitoes already too. Ahhh...
Like I said, just because he's cute. ;)
Jaedon's school had field day last Friday. I remember HATING field day. (this coming from someone who got seriously ill thinking about having to run the mile in gym class each year). But regardless of my opinions, I was talking it up to Jaedon and he was excited...for what he didn't know but it sure sounded like fun! =) The first event was to run around the entire track - 1/4 mile. I don't know what number he came in but he told me later that he was running "almost as fast as Dash" (from the Incredibles) ;-) Anyway...he came home totally spent but had fun anyway.
The 'Dawn Treader'
Brad seriously worked all day on this and felt quite accomplished. But my favorite was when Jaedon (who helped Brad off and on) said:
"Mama. This was a great day."
"Whys that?"
"Because one time I was outside with Daddy and he was nailing a piece of wood to the Dawn Treader and it wasn't working right so I said 'why don't you just cut off that piece?' and he told me that was a great idea and he did it!"
"You're right. That sounds like a really great day, Jaedon."
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A new niece to love
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
What MOVES you?
It cracks me up the the length I went (and still currently go thru) to encourage and motivate him to do this potty thing. Candy, unbelieveable cheers (I actually scared him once!), stickers, calls to Grandma when something TRULY grand ;) happens and promises of NEW underware! Pretty sweet deal if you ask me!
And somehow Seth's potty going experience (which I tried to stay clear of too many squishy details for you, Dad ;) came to mind as I was listening to the sermon yesterday. I'm still deciding if I should let my pastor know that one ;)
He was talking about motivation. What moves us to do things? I kept thinking about it yesterday and wow the list was long! What can motivate me to do certain things?
Seeking approval (wow could I write the book on this one.)
Why do I ... fill in the blank...
go to church?
pray with my husband?
teach my children God's word?
memorize scripture?
stop and help a neighbor with their groceries?
Our priorites are shown in what we choose to spend our time doing. And I'm reminded of the saying : "Only one life that will soon be past- only what's done for Christ will last." I don't know about you but I have become VERY good at doing things that LOOK like they are done for Christ - but my motives have shown that not to be true at all.
Are my motives for myself? Am I seeking something that will benefit me? Am I hoping someone is watching so they think better of me? (ouch!) Am I keeping a record book called "How many times I have sacrificed for my family so they had better show me some appreciation or else." (ok that's a long title for a book but you get the idea.) Ugly huh?
What SHOULD move me?
2 Corinithians 5:11- 15 The fear - awe, reverance, amazment, stunningness (is that a word?) of God and Christ's love- not the love we have for Christ but his love that he gives to us. With the help of the Holy Spirit I have recently noticed the amazing difference in doing things with selfish motives and doing things with godly motivation.
Awe and Love- Those are what ought to move me to do any of the tasks I see as priorites in my life.
Including potty training. Speaking of which- time to go remind Seth...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Stop, look and Listen
Just thought I'd mention if you have a spare 3 minutes to listen to the song that is already playing. I heard it the other day while working out and it made me smile.
Thought I'd pass the smile along...
Enjoy your view!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
I love that we can give and take, mentor and be mentors, disciple and be discipled from one another. When I get the time to visit this blog I am always encouraged- feeling like I've just sat with a friend from whom I can learn so much from. I, again, was blessed to read this and wanted to share a tiny little bit. She is talking about a book called ' "Parenting is your highest calling" and other myths.' :
“If I pursue God first as my highest call and am satisfied in His love, then I am freed not to love my children less but to love them rightly.”
"When I focus on loving God first, then it seems to set everything in a clearer perspective.
I can resist the constant temptation to see my children as extensions of myself, which gets me into a lot of trouble!
I can resist the temptation to find my identity, significance and purpose through my children instead of through Christ.
When I get this order right—loving God first—an amazing thing happens. I have so much more love—the right kind of love!-- to offer my children.
I have less pride, more understanding and patience to offer.
My kids benefit in another way as well. I’m no longer looking to them to provide what only God can provide!"
More coffee anyone?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
This Mama's prayer
And she never went to bed 'til late
Yet, I never heard her complainin'
About her family of eight
There were times she should have been sleepin'
But, late in the midnight hour
She'd get down on her knees
And you could hear her say,
"Lord fill them with your power"
Mama like to burn the midnight oil
Down on her knees in prayer
If you asked why she did it
She said she did it care she cared
Now Mama always talked to Jesus
When she knelt by her rocking chair
Oh, I'm glad my mama was willin'
To burn the midnight oil in prayer
Now Mama's gone to be with Jesus
I've got a family of my own
Yet, whenever the clock strikes midnight
You will find me all alone
That's when I start to call upon Jesus
For His wisdom and His power
Cause it seems that He loves
To hear a Daddy's prayer
Even in the midnight hour
Years from now, when my grown little boy
Has a family of his own
Will he kneel down and pray
When the hour gets late
And pass the legacy on
Cause now there's a Daddy who's willing
To burn the midnight oil in prayer "
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Waiting list
- sink full (truly full) of dirty dishes
- dishwasher full of clean dishes
-couch full of folded clothes
-washer full of wet clothes
-dryer full of ...mostly dry clothes
-toys - well, pretty much everywhere
-vacuum and cord right in the walking path
-car in shop needing $7@#! amount of work done
- baby in pjs finishing breakfast, oldest one home from school playing with number 2.
This was my morning litany which today, by the grace of God, I was cheerfully set about to do.
THEN- there's a knock on my door. A familiar face (bearing coffee and chocolate no less!)
What joy there is in friendship. No need to explain the mess, apologize for the lack of seating space (or walking space). Freedom to abandon my list, go for a walk and enjoy one of God's greatest blessings to us his creations- each other.
Now, back to the list...
Friday, May 1, 2009
Blog Archive
- Too cute-
- Other happenings
- The 'Dawn Treader'
- A new niece to love
- Signs of things to come...
- Owenese
- What MOVES you?
- Stop, look and Listen
- A sneak peek at some of my heavenly inheritance
- The body of Christ is astounding.I love that we ca...
- This Mama's prayer
- If beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder...
- Waiting list
- Priceless
- Just like you
- Do-ude
- Brothers and their Boots