Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Subsisting or Satisfied?

I had a rare evening last night-
I was alone!

The boys were asleep and Brad was at band practice.
After seriously considering going to be at 8:30, I decided instead to pull out a devotional DVD that Brad had gotten me for Mothers Day....yes Mothers Day!
It was an hour-long devotional by Beth Moore. I have so enjoyed previous studies I've done led by her and last night was no exception.

She had me looking up several passages- including Psalm 63- but the heart of her time was quite simplistic-
Am I satisfied with God ALONE?

In Luke 4 it states that Jesus came to tell the Good News to the poor- or literally- the "ones who subsist on the alms of others".

She then held out an empty cup. What does it look like for us to have ourselves- our cup- full of satisifaction? How do we go about filling our own cup? God created us with a longing to be satisfied and we spend our lives going around trying to fill it up.
Perhaps we have a good husband who affirms us, tells us we're beautiful, appreciates our work.
That's worth a few coins in the cup I think. Chink.

Maybe even our kids thank us unprovoked (hey- I said maybe! ;-) or somehow affirm our parenting efforts are not in vain-
chink. chink.

Maybe a friend encourages us, a co-worker builds us up, someone we respect acknowleges us...
chink. chink.

Even after all that goodness- and let's be honest... ain't no WAY all that happens all the time every day or sadly at all... to any of us... but even if that DID happen - the cup is still relatively empty.

The question being- am I going to be one who holds out my cup for people to fill- collecting any alms they may be generous enough to throw at me- or can I say with David from Psalm 90:14-"Satisfy (me) in the morning (as in this is a daily thing to ask for!) with your unfailing love..." Perhaps if each morning I am to begin my day holding out my cup for God's richest of alms to fill- then perhaps as I go through my day and I receive others "alms" that they may offer- then perhaps because my cup has already been filled those will allow my cup to simply overflow!
May it be so with me.

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