Monday, October 18, 2010

The Owenator

Some recent shots of my littlest hotshot:

This is what I get for leaving my cleaning tote (and a 2 year old) unattended -
Not only did he empty my comet and spic and span- he thought spraying the Windex cleaner was grand fun. It was very hard to look sternly at him and tell him "no" when I was cracking up!
His newest favorite activity: puzzles. He will sit and do the same puzzle 5 times in a row (and ask for help for the same piece each time ;-)

Although he decided that 2 was an acceptable time to give up naps- (which his Mama does not agree with)- when he does decide to sleep- he's OUT!


grandmarice said...

Too cute!!!!! Make sure you "keep those memories" all too soon they will be grown up!!!!!

BAHowells said...

Wow! I Had NO idea who Grand Marice was!! ;-) Thanks, Grandma Rice for the comments- keep 'em coming!

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