Sunday, January 2, 2011

a few of my favorite things...

These past 2 weeks have been a truly enjoyable blend of the busy and the nothing. Other than my much-earlier-than-lately wake up call tomorrow morning, I am a bit excited to get back to life as usual. I think it makes these special times all the more special-because they are not the usual.
Out of the many moments spent together one of my favorites include one specific "advent adventure" (as our December devotions became to be known by). Jaedon read the verse about the shepherds going to look for Mary, Joseph and Jesus- so we did too! We all piled in the van, drove around looking for nativity scenes and enjoyed Christmas light looking. We were singing and counting (30!) - it was such an enjoyable time together.
My other top favorites were the times I was able to spend talking and laughing with friends (usually with some coffee or tea in hand for added sweetness). An added blessing- calling family "friends" - a gift in itself.
So here's my token pictures that in no way sum up our life- but are just what they are...a snapshot about some of my favorite things:

A picturesque mantle to enjoy my morning coffee and cuddle

the joy of GIVING

Trying something new... and yummy. My personal favorite was the chocolate dipped cherries.

The Nerf-ing boys- the tall and the small...
Games, games and more games!
Silliness with friends and family alike-

1 comment:

The mom~ster said...

i likes the fireplace shot and the picture of your mom with SG...I'm gonna have to save that one to our library...that was a special moment.

looks like your new years was festive and fun...hope your are finding your rhythm as you settle back into every day. January is always such a pleasant time for enjoying quiet things...books, blankets, heavy socks, candles...ya know the stuff you don't have time for in the holiday months and the long days of summer...

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