Saturday, October 13, 2007

5 second rule

I had a first happen to me today. Jaedon and I were taking a meal to a family and as I was getting the Chicken and Biscuits pan out of the car, the it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time disposable pan it was in, folded in half and dumped the contents onto their front yard!!!! I never met this family before and was SO embarassed!! Thankfully, I decided to laugh about it instead of bursting into tears! I humbly walked the remainder of the meal inside the house and apologized for being such a klutz! (They saw it happen from their front window). I told them I would run over to Little Ceasars and pick them up a pizza. So I got back in the car and realized- hmm...I don't have any money! AHHHHH!! I decided to stop at Jill Westra's house (practically next door) and told her my whole story and begged her for $5.30! (Which, between fits of laughter she gave to me- THANK YOU JILL!!!!). The funniest part of the story is as this vegetable, gravy and biscuits concoction lie spewed across their yard Jaedon looked at me and said "It's okay, Mama! Just blow it off!!"

1 comment:

BeckyG. said...

Oh Amber! I'm so sorry, I have never had that happen but I always fear that will happen! I'm glad you can laugh about it because it is kind of funny!

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