Sunday, October 21, 2007

Marching Band Days

It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since I last marched in a competition. I still have memories of it like it was yesterday (well, at least like last month). Today since Amber and the boys are in PA, I took the opportunity to go and see the Jenison Band Competition. There were 44 bands from 8:30 am to 11:00 pm and I saw 36 of them... Phew!!! What a blast it was amazing to see literally thousands of kids, and tens of thousands fans/parents doing the marching band thing! The bands I went to see particularly were Wyoming Park (earned 4th in class B), Edwardsburg (6th in flight IV), and Hudsonville (2nd in flight II). The whole day was worth just seeing the last 6 or so bands. Amazing show concepts, props, tech-gizmos... you name it, some band probably did it. It was very cool to see something like 10 of my former students in various bands performing today, even though I only saw one current student come to watch the performance, and that was because her big sister was performing! It's pretty amazing that I can have an impact on students that will affect their lives forever, even with something as small as marching band. I know what a change it had on me!! :) The next coolest thing about the day was getting to see a few old friends from high school. Beth-used-to-be-Otto-but-I-don't-know-her-new-last-name was there, as well as Mary and Marty and Annie-used-to-be-Otto-but-I-don't-know-her-new-last-name-either. I got to talk briefly with Ryan and Karina (Machado) White. What a blast. ***Sigh*** Well, I got home at 11:45 and have been doing computer stuff and it's almost 12:30 am. I better scoot so I can get up and be off to church in the morning. If you read this, comment or something so I have something to do.... Oh wait... I'm already so busy I don't know if I need anything more to do... So long.


Anonymous said...

Once a band geek - always a band geek...i can say it - cuz i am one...I loved marching band - and i still love to watch them!!! hope you had fun!
Chrissy Tell

Anonymous said...

That is so funny... obviously we live very close to JHS and we heard the bands playing all day. I remember thinking, "When on earth are they going to be done?" and it was going on 10pm and I could hear them loud and clear! :-)

Unknown said...

OMG!! I'm a bass drummer for Edwardsburg Marching Band. I just typed it into google and bam here is a post about my band. Our show this year is awesome. Why were you interested in coming to watch our band?

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