Saturday, November 17, 2007

If - Then

Jaedon has stumbled into a grand new phase of understanding cause and effect - the whole "if - then" idea. I guess I must speak to him in cause and effect quite often because over the past few days he has decided to speak to Brad and I in the same way. For example - before breakfast today he asked if he could have a piece of candy (thank the LORD there is only two more pieces of Halloween candy left!). I told him he could have one piece of candy after we ate some breakfast. He said "well, if you're not gunna let me have a piece of candy now then I'm not going to eat my breakfast." I replied "If you're not going to eat your breakfast then you're not going to get a piece of candy!" The dialogue continued by him saying "well, if I can't have a piece of candy then I'm gonna pitch a fit!" AH!! Where should the bantering STOP!!? I told him that if he chose to pitch a fit that he could go in his room while Seth and I enjoy our breakfast. I'm not sure if I should just keep reasoning with him - he seems to "get" the reasoning logic thing- or if there is a better way to be dealing with this defiance. Any suggestions?!


Anonymous said...

I wish I had something insightful to say...I just laughed when I read your post and felt a little jealous b/c at least Jaedon understands if...then. Cale just doesn't so whenever we try to say if you __________ then we'll _______ he just gets REALLY mad. I've concluded the if..then is beyond him at this point.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber! Sorry, no words of wisdom to share on you post. Just wanted to say hi and it was so nice to meet you tonight. Have a great Thanksgiving!

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