Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Babies and Boys

One of my projects this week was to wash and put away all the gazillion newborn things we have. Washing and folding- not a problem. Finding space for everything- problem!

Meanwhile, the boys have had a LOT of fun seeing all these "NEW" things. "What's a burprag?", "What's THIS for?".... it's been fun to introduce some baby items to them this week. It's been even more fun to have them use some of these great new invention on their "babys". (They are BOYS afterall so we don't have dolls around- but some teddy bears make great improv. babies ;)

Today we pulled out a size 1 diaper (compared to Seth's size 5!), some clothes, swimming pants, hats, bibs burprags and bottles for both boys to dress, rock, feed and burp their babies. It was just too cute. I really hope Jaedon doesn't try to burp the new baby like he does HIS baby- yikes! ;)


Mike and Sarah said...

I think I've mentioned before that my boys breastfeed their babies. It's interesting, to say the least. Little boys are so sweet.

The mom~ster said...

ALL the STUFF is one of my biggest frustrations in life esp. when you really only need/use 1/2 of it and there are so many duplicates. Today I returned some of the abundabce of unopened baby toiletries .. enough for an orphanage... to Walmart and got $15.00 and bought some other things I needed stinking expensive sunscreen, shoes for CB, and catch all bibs since we are starting cereal before long

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