Saturday, April 5, 2008

THE list

I warned Brad about 3 weeks ago that I have been working on a "TO DO" list for our Spring Break time. I love making (and mostly checking off) lists
so here is the not-so-final Spring Break 2008 List of stuff:
-Clean out the shed
- clean out the shed BOX and all the toys that have been collecting who knows what all winter
- pull out the picnic table, sand and refinish (if need be). Not sure who is going to help Brad with that one.
- Fix up Jaedon's bike (new training wheels, chain and the all important HORN)
- Assemble Seth's tricycle
- Put in the edging around the tree in the front yard
- plant my cukes and cantalopes (with my indoor starter stuff of course)
- Sift thru the nasty sand in the sandbox and refill it
- Clean up the outdoor chairs
- sweep off the grilling patio and get that grill out!!
- Wash windows
- Wash blinds
- Wash curtains (and iron?! yikes)
- Clean every article of newborn clothing (how many socks do they really need c'mon!!!)
- Organize the nursery with aforementioned clean clothes
- Shampoo carpets on the main floor
- clean ceiling fans
- clean out those vehicles that have accumulated WAAAAy too much junk over the winter months!

Today is day 2 of our break and we're doing pretty good at pecking away. I'll have to check off the list next week this time and see how we did! ;)


The mom~ster said...

You are a hoot

BeckyG. said... are WAY to ambitious being 7 months pregnant! I knew you liked lists but THAT makes me tired! I hope you can get most of that done. I think we have like 2 things on our have inspired me to add more...:)

Bugle Boy said...

Wow...that's a lot on that list...make sure my wife doesn't see it...*RATS*! jk

Make sure to put "Write To-Do list" on there so there can be something checked off right away...that always helps me to be motivated. : )

friendlyfaces said...

Oh my goodness!!! Can you come here when you are finished! I've never seen a list like that for one week! That's amazing! I do remember lists... I used to make one every Saturday, get the 4 kids and hubby up and put the list on the table.. then they could all go and pick a chore and check it off.. believe it or not, this worked because the competitive nature of the kids made them want to be the first one to have the most checks and I got all the chores done in one day.
Great job you guys!

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