Tuesday, April 15, 2008

THE LIST revisited...

Sooo...with spring break now offically over I went back to "the list" to see how we did...

-Things accomplished:
- clean out the shed BOX and all the toys that have been collecting who knows what all winter
- pull out the picnic table, sand and refinish (if need be). Not sure who is going to help Brad with that one.
- Fix up Jaedon's bike (new training wheels, chain and the all important HORN)
- Assemble Seth's tricycle
- Put in the edging around the tree in the front yard
- Sift thru the nasty sand in the sandbox and refill it
- Clean up the outdoor chairs
- sweep off the grilling patio and get that grill out!!
- Wash windows- Wash blinds- Wash curtains (and iron?! yikes)
- Clean every article of newborn clothing (how many socks do they really need c'mon!!!)
- Organize the nursery with aforementioned clean clothes
- clean ceiling fans

Honorable attempts:
- clean out those vehicles that have accumulated WAAAAy too much junk over the winter months! - we did the van, not so much the car...
-Shampoo carpets - just one room (the nursery). It's really hard to plan a time to clean when we need to be GONE afterwards. hmm..

Not even close:
- Clean out the shed.
- Plant my cuke/ cantalope starters.

It was a good break- we had lots of fun playing and wrestling time too (well, the boys... not so much me these days ;)

1 comment:

The mom~ster said...

You are a real slave driver ;O)

How's the bun in the oven????

Take care of yourself.

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