Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This n That

The British are coming
My sister in law gave the boys some Story CD's for Christmas and we have really enjoyed them. Actually, they are free downloads at - they have a lot to choose from and we've put them on for the boys as they go to sleep (eventually ;). The person reading the story has a British accent which Jaedon likes to hear. So yesterday he was looking at a book with the story Rapunzel in it (one of the StoryNory's that he likes a lot recently).
He said "Mom, did you know that the which was actually an Enchahntress?" (said with a long A- the British way).
I said "Oh really? An Enchantress?" (said in the good ole US of A way)
"NO- an EnCHAHNtress!!!" ;)
Well, no, I guess I didn't know that ;)
We were on a walk the other day (as we have been most days lately! yay). Jaedon was riding his bike and Seth and I were waddling behind. Okay, I was waddling, Seth was doing the typical walk of the toddler - you know- picking up every leaf, stick, rock, discarded lollipop stick etc...;)
I was holding Seth's hand and he suddenly started "singing". There is a song on a Go Fish CD that we've been listening to way too much lately ;) and it has a part that they just sing "Nahh nah". He starts singing this (which I found adorable) and started to sing with him. He promptly pulled his hand away and said "No, Mommy! DES!" (which is how he says his name). So I wasn't permitted to singalong but I couldn't stop smiling at his little falsetto "oooo...ooos".
Walking again
I've had a frustrating few weeks. I really enjoy this spring weather but my body has just NOT been wanting to do everything I've been wanting to do! We love to go on walks as a family and the boys and I will go on several sometimes in one day - but, again, I was just achy and couldn't walk as far as I would've liked to. So, I began to just accept that that's just how it's going to be for the next few weeks. Last night we were out walking again and Jaedon asked to go on the "big" walk. He was riding his bike and Brad was pulling Seth in the wagon so we decided to give it a try. The "big walk" is probably about 3/4 a mile or so- not huge but nice. I was SO encouraged because not only did I not feel achy and have to waddle at a snails pace but we kept a brisk pace and I felt good the whole time! YAY!!! Not that I want to induce labor early but it was a glimmer of hope!
Speaking of Labor...
This may sound ridiculous but I am ... hmm...not scared but maybe nervous?, not looking forward- to labor. (ok, who actually looks forward to it?) I guess I'm not blissfully ignorant of having babies anymore but I would've thought that by baby 3 you wouldn't feel anxious or nervous about it anymore. Well, not so with me. Actually, I think it's a little bit of the actual labor and a lot of the actual "what am I going to do with 3" feeling. I'm sure all the what do you do with a newborn will come back to me but everytime I think about life in the near (and far) future- I FORGET about the baby! What if I leave him in the van b/c I forget about him or how exactly DO you go grocery shopping with 3 kids AND manage to bring groceries HOME too?
Just some random thoughts I guess!


friendlyfaces said...

Your feelings are perfectly normal.. I used to say to the girls, when there are 3 of you and one mommy, someone has to wait!
That's a good thing though.. because you know someone will be learning patience! You go to the grocery store while the oldest in in school, or late at night, or you go several times in one week and just get a few things! LOL You'll do great, you're a great mom! And labor??? Well, nothing to help with that except the third ones comes out easier????

Richelle Wright said...

I'm still terrified of labor - and how many times have I done it? Hmmmmm Including 5 full days with NOTHING for pain while in Quebec and when they finally gave me something, she arrived 20 minutes later... If it is any encouragement, #3 was the easiest.

Can't wait to meet your whole gang one of these days!

The mom~ster said...

Having a baby is just matter how often you do it.

As far as being afraid you might forget someone...everytime I get about 5 minutes down the road my heart start to pound and I take a petrified look into the back and count one head, two heads, one carseat...thank you Lord...two carseats.

You'll do it ... and each night as you climb into bed you'll wonder how you managed ;o)

Elizabeth Fanco said...

If it makes you feel any better, I STILL get nervous before each labor, and there is a point that the thought of another high chair at the table seems completely overwhelming. However, the adrenaline will kick in for the labor part, and you will feel like you deserve a medal the first time you grocery shop with all 3 kids (it's a great feeling!) :-)

BeckyG. said...

I understand girl! I don't really know what to say because I'm feeling it too! I just have a fear that the spinal won't work and I'll feel them cutting! Hopefully this labor will go faster than Seth and once you are in it, you will be a natural! (with pain meds of course!) As far as 3, we are here to help! It's nice that we have mom's group and family to seek out council and advice! It will be nice to have Brad home to help for the first few months! You are a great mom and at least you know what to do with boys!

The mom~ster said...

BTW glad the boyz like the story nories...we bought the entire chronicles of narnia on cd for my mom for mother's day awhile back...SG is borrowing them and LOVES them. Wanted to tell you they might be worth the $$$ indulgence for Jaedone someday...

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