Friday, April 4, 2008

A Week like this...

It's really fun to me when Jaedon comes home from Sunday School and teaches us the songs he's been learning. One song he likes to sing is called "A Day Like This". Basically, it's a silly song but says "A day like this," (add motions one by one such as clapping, stomping, honking the nose, chicken dance etc...) "Ohhhh...I need the Lord to help me". Well, I've been especially grateful for this song this week b/c it's been oh too true!!

I'm not sure if Jaedon is going thru some growing pains or maybe he's feeling threatened about a NEW baby "invasion" (we've been trying to be intentional about talking about it with him). It's been a roller coaster week! He would go from being his "normal" relatively sweet, helpful and compliant self to a total 180 - serious mouthiness (and we don't even have good tasting soap!), yelling at and teasing Seth continuously, and very blatant defiance! There seems to be seasons when kids just NEED to test the boundaries just to make sure they are still there - so okay - maybe that's what this past week has been (notice I say 'PAST' week and 'HAS been' - I'm trying to be optimistic! ;)

It's been "a Day like this-oh, I need the Lord to help me" type of week. And I'm so thankful that He does!


The mom~ster said...

these boys we love -- when they are good they are very good......but when they are bad, oh boy, you better watch out...hang, in there girl

BeckyG. said...

That is too cute! You need videos like that to remind you that your sweet boy is in there somewhere! I love it! Thanks for the note on my car too...At first I thought it was someone trying to sell something!

friendlyfaces said...

Oh how cute!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

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