Thursday, July 17, 2008

The brothers and a GRIN ...

Brad found Owen's tickle spots- and we're getting a lot of silent giggles ;) SO fun.

We're in full swing here at the Howells' household. Our days are pretty similar and busy.
The new pool is a HUGE hit! Jaedon and Brad spend a LOT of time in there together (not sure who truly enjoys it more ;)
Brad, Jaedon and Seth went camping the other night- just in our backyard but they had a blast. Of course, you CAN'T play flashlight hide and seek while the light is out and it's just impossible to chase fireflys until it's dark- so needless to say they both zonked out somewhere between 11-12 (after 10:30 popcorn snack of course ;)
We've roasted more marshmallows then I care to divulge and made hobo pies for supper the other night too.

I'm trying to get over my "supermom" mentality- not that I THINK I'm supermom- but i think I'm trying to be. Does that make sense? I've realized in all 6 weeks of my "expertise" (HA!!) of a mom of 3 =P that not EVERYTHING that NEEDS to get done HAS to get done! Profound huh? I'm not an organized person by nature (altho I LIKE organization....just doesn't come naturally to me) so I have experienced a LOT of 1/2 done projects around here lately. And, of course, I remember them usually when I'm feeding Owen and can't do anything about them.
I've also remembered/was reminded/still learning that the success of a day isn't how many THINGS I can get done (who really sees my "to do" list anyway?) Sometimes (ok- more often than not...) the best days are when the laundry is still piled on the couch (folded or not) , lunch still needs to be cleaned up and yikes! don't even look at the dust on the piano!! BUT- Seth learned what "C" says, Jaedon read ME the David and Jonathan story and I got to see even more smiles from Owen who just LOVES his bath!! ;)

Remember Remember....
Altho- I wouldn't mind a few organization tips from anyone!!


The mom~ster said...

I can completely relate with your post...and I'm too tired to think of anything else to say :)

BeckyG. said...

Those pictures are so cute! He looks so much like Seth at that age when he smiles!
It is a good reminder for me to that you don't have to have everything done, it is hard not to get caught up in that! Just tackle 1 project per day, then by the end of the week you will have 7 things done and then you can start over! That was helpful wasn't it! I say get the necessities done, like feeding, laundry, and general clean-up. No one cares about dust...who really dusts that regularly anyway! I am going to try not to be anal when our 3rd comes!

friendlyfaces said...

I see so many of you young mothers have it so much more together than I did!
But, I really didn't care about "chores" if someone wanted to read while I was vacumning, I would just leave the vacumn out right in the middle of the floor... By the time I got around to it again, it would have needed done anyway and noone seemed to notice! Ha! Seems like it has happened again with grandkids!!!! Toys??? well, they'll be over next week so why clean up! ha ha

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