Thursday, July 31, 2008

No greater love

I really enjoy those moments of connection with my kiddos as they get older. Jaedon has been really growing and I can see the Holy Spirit working in his little heart. It's especially sweet to engage him in conversation about spiritual things. The other day we rented an animated version of the Jim Elliot story (Torchlighers DVD). We got this from our library several months ago and watched it but he was not all that interested. This time, however, after watching it he was very somber and actually sad! (which, if you know Jaedon, is quite something since he's not so much on the emphathy/sympathy thing) Anyway, he told me he was very sad that Jim Elliot died. This led into a (probably way overdone on my end) discussion about living our life to please Jesus and how sometimes people die for Jesus. We talked about how because Jim Elliot and the others were not afraid to die because they had Jesus in their hearts and how all the "spearmen" (as he calls the Alkas) came to know Jesus too. I'm not sure how much he got but his little gears sure were spinning! =)
We also mentioned that we saw one of the "spearmen" (at a Steven Curtis Chapman concert)and Nate Saint's son, Steve. Did you know they call Mincaye, one who took place in spearing the missionaries, "grandfather"? It is such an amazing story- if you're not familiar with it, I recommend reading the book Through Gates of Splendor (by Elizabeth Elliot), Beyond Gates of Splendor (by Steve Saint) or at the very least watching the movie- the End of the Spear.

There is no greater love than this
There is no greater gift that can ever be given
to be willing to die so that another might live
there is no greater love than this.
This is the love God shows the world when he gave us his Son so we could know his love forever- beyond the gates of splendor. -see the YouTube clip on the right side of the blog.

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