Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the end already?!

Day three-

Ahh yes- tis time to head on home. The first picture is what I call the vacation DAZE... we had cartoons on for the kids (is Sponge Bob ALL they play anymore?!!) while we packed up. We were bummed that we couldn't get one more swim in the morning but it was closed =( We ended up finding a park nearby and letting the kids run around there for a bit.

Becky had found this place called Marvins Marvelous Mechanical Museum- online when we were planning the trip so our last stop was to go there after lunch. Basically, it was a wall-to-wall arcade. (The moms had IKEA, the Dads got to play - it all equalled out right?! ;) We were there for almost 2 hours I think- Brad said he really enjoyed it (no big shocker there ;) Of course, when you win the games you collect tickets and get to trade them in for PRICELESS valuable trinkets! Jaedon got a kalamazoo (or a kazoo but it's too cute to correct him ;) , Seth got a truck that I THINK lost a tire BEFORE we left, and Brad ended up with candy. Oh with boys! ;)

After that we came home and discovered that our cat had been trapped in our bedroom ALL weekend long. I'm surprised she's still alive- our room is on the top floor and it gets HOT up there. Soooo... on top of all the vacation cleanup, we have some serious bedroom cleanup to do too. Fortunately (for us ;) since she didn't get any FOOD, there was no poo... but uh...not smelling so nice up there right now. We're investing in some serious cleaning stuff designed to kill ... anything it needs to so hopefully by the end of the week we'll be able to sleep in our room again and not camp out in the living room - oye! Welcome back to life eh?! ;)


Bugle Boy said...

It was a lot of fun to relive the weekend through your perspective! We are so blessed to do life with you guys!

The mom~ster said...

you are totally related to my mother in law... ;o)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, it was an awesome read (and look)!

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