Friday, January 22, 2010

My card carrying Owen

On any given moment during the day you will find my youngest walking around with a fist full of memory cards with his bracelette (or rubber bands) adorned hands.

21st Century baby- listening to Daddy's IPOD. Rock out, little dude. (*note what's in his other hand)

I asked for (and got!) a songbook for Christmas and we've had a lot of fun playing and singing thru it together. It's a neat book because they are "older" songs that I am familiar with (yes they are still in print!) so it's fun to teach my kids the songs I remember learning. The boys also like to get just any ole book, put it on the piano and play their own music too. *note the pile of cards next to Owen on the piano. Apparently the ivory keys were temporarily more appealing.


The mom~ster said...

thanks for sharing the every day stuff with us...its fun to might call ya tomorrow...she made a fun purchase she feels should be on the international headlines and has called several people and told everyone she sees ;o) ... its super fun

BeckyG. said...

That's where that bracelet went too! Glad we can contribute to his masculinity! You can keep that as a token from the Gurk girls!
Too cute!

The mom~ster said...

i like seth's toes

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