Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dental Success!

About a year ago Jaedon was jumping around in our kitchen- slipped and fell on the recycling bin - face first. His one front tooth was bleeding like crazy and the next day is was moved around funny and turing colors. I took him to my dentist for them to check it out. HE FREAKED! He wouldn't let them touch him!
So when I schedualed his first real dentist appointment (THANK YOU AMY for your recommendation!) I was very nervous about how he would react. So we prepared! We got books and videos from the library. We did coloring sheets and mazes. He and his buddies even "pretended" to go to the dentist (they had flashlights to look at each others teeth ;) I still wasn't sure how he would be but he did GREAT!! They were SOOOO good with him- explaining things in kid terms and helped him see what they were going to do before they did it. I was so relieved and he had a lot of fun!

YAY and Whew*


The mom~ster said...

your so brave -- this is a jpb I need to do...find a dentist...I keep putting it off

Anonymous said...

That's SO funny. Elijah goes on Friday morning for his first dentist appointment. Must be that time of year.. :-)

Bugle Boy said...

Bleeding that some sort of X-men Superpower? I can hear the quote from William Shakespeare:

Tickle us, do we not laugh?
Floss us, do we not bleed?

I'm just giving you a hard time! That's one of the blessings of having me as a friend! HAHAHAHAHHA : )

Bugle Boy said...

BTW - I still like the name Zeke. : )

What about Tilly?

Sorry...I'm in a silly/sarcastic mood tonite.

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