Friday, January 23, 2009

Democracy, Design and Digestion

Yesterday was an educational experience at our house.

On Tuesday Jaedon brought home a flyer from school that was all about President Obama. The different "cool" things about being a president and about Mr. Obama himself. Apparently, one of Jaedon's friends asked him during recess if he had voted for Barak (I guess their on a first name basis). Jaedon, not realizing he did not actually vote, stated very proudly that Yes, indeed, Barak had earned him vote. So he asked me if I had voted for Barak Obama. I told him no. He asked the ever popular "WHY?".
"Well, Jaedon, he believes in things that I don't think are very pleasing to Jesus."
"Oh, okay. Well, why didn't the person YOU voted for win?" because, moms rule donchya know?! ;)
So we proceeded to have a discussion about democracy and how voting works using a scenario of picking out a movie with the majority rules concept.
"Huh. So if more people voted for John McCain then he would've won and he pleases Jesus?"

Later that evening we were talking about how Brad and I are going away for this weekend. We call it our "marriage maintaince weekend"- time we set aside to talk (interruption free) about everything from finances to parenting to vacation ideas. I mentioned that we feel it's important to talk about our marriage and make sure we are pleasing Jesus with the choices we make in our marriage. I have NO IDEA how but this led to the first marriage and how God designed marriage to be between a man and a woman.... Oh yes, this is an actual quote...
"Jaedon, some people think it's ok for men to marry men and women to marry women but is that what the Bible says God created them for?"
"No- Boys have to marry Girls like you, Mom."
Ok so this may have been a bit much but he took it in stride (thank goodness). I need to learn when to quit already!!! =O

AND... to top off the night- I'll spare you the incredible details other than to say Jaedon's coughing fit led to a displaced meal.
"Wow- Mom, Look! I can see my applesauce."

'Nuff said.


BeckyG. said...

I love to hear about the interesting discussions you guys have! It sounds like you always have the right thing to say! And I love the applesauce!

Becky Gravley said...

amber, that was SO funny! i love it! you are a great writer. i feel like i was there. we are cracking up!

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