Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jumping on The Shack bandwagon

Unless you live under a rock (which I apparently DO since we don't watch TV), you've heard of the book- The Shack. Our Sunday School teacher decided that it would make a good discussion and asked us all to read it. Honestly, considering how much "fun reading" time I (DON'T) have- I probably would not have picked up this book without some prompting. However, I am about 30 pages from finishing it and have really enjoyed it. So ok, I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but other than a few "hmm...really?" things (and I mean very few in my mind) I found the book to be a really eye-opening view of what it means to be in a relationship with God- what it looks like when you talk to God like he's your friend (with utmost reverance of course) instead of following the rules of a religion.

So what's the hype about? What, in my little grey matter, am I missing that has people up in arms over this book? I can see the danger of people who are not IN relationship with God that they may take this book as theology - or that they assume this book is exactly what God is like- and it's's fiction. But I really have enjoyed the very untradtional view it paints of God.

What about you?


Mike and Sarah said...

You perfectly phrased what I had been thinking. I read the book this summer without even knowing it was a controversial book. It wasn't until I was finished with the book that my dad mentioned there was a lot of controversy around the book. Really??? I had no idea. I LOVED it!

Anonymous said...

lol - apparently I have been living under a rock. I don't know anything about the book!!! Goes to show you how much I get out!!! :-)

Katie @ the terpblog said...

Matt and I just got done reading this book too. I have never seen Matt read a book so fast in his life (he's not a big reader). We loved it too!

If you have time (ha!) there is an interview with the author of The Shack that Matt's mom passed on to us - go to Click on “all access” and then go to the interview with Wm. P. Young.

Bugle Boy said...

I haven't read very far yet, but I find it interesting that the book is being compared to Pilgrim's Progress.

Richelle Wright said...

hey there! finished the book today (in Niger~ YEAH!), and I most definitely appreciated it. Thanks for the recommendation.

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