Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Monday marked 40 days until Valentines Day-
what you didn't KNOW that?!!? ;-)
Okay, I didn't either-
I am an avid Family Life Today listener and they were the ones who informed me of this momentous date. They decided to challenge their listeners to take the Love Dare challenge (based on the movie Fireproof- which I have yet to see). Basically, it is 40 days of purposefully doing something loving towards your spouse.
So being the bandwagon jumper I am lately (see next post), I jumped aboard. Why not right? We have our annual marriage maintenance weekend in a few weeks so this might just be something fun to do in the meantime. We'll see!!
So- here's to the next 38 days. I think I'll keep the "days dare" on my sideboard... if I can figure out how...


The mom~ster said...

because my life feels only just shy of cataclysmic today...this post completely cracks me up...although a romantic 40 day challenge would be fun...i think I'm just going to be thankful to have a love that is steadfast even in the COMPETLY unromantic times

BAHowells said...

Well sheesh- youre just no fun at all ;)

The mom~ster said...

that is pretty much everyone's opinion of me today ;o) (probably b/c I'm tired and grumpy)...looks like the applesauce making was fun...and what a perfect time of year to do it on...nothing else to do for sure

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