Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rated R

Reason why I love our church number 426:

They tackle issues, topics, subjects that many other churches don't.

Point in case:
The new sermon series is called "God's Word Rated R".
It's an entire series on the Song of Solomon! Seriously, how many of us have EVER heard that book being taught from letalone taught on Sunday morning?! Then again, why would it be in the Bible if we weren't supposed to read and learn from it? - if you're interested in the podcast or listen online-

This series has brought up a lot of conversation about 1. the priority of my marriage and 2. how I want my children to be taught regarding sex. HUGE issues if you ask me.
Our culture associates sex with LOVE (or at least lust) but God associates sex with a covanent marriage. Obviously, love is found within marriage because God IS love and created sex but I think our Christian families do a GREAT dis-service to the next generation (and reaffirm our cultures "dirty" view of sex) by NOT talking about it. Of course it's much easier for me to talk about how God created the animals and plants but he created sex too so I had better be prepared to educate my children about it. (And not just once but ongoing as is age appropriate.)
Ok- enough of my soapbox. I'm interested to hear what you think about this! =)

1 comment:

Bugle Boy said...

*applause* We've talked about it before (as couples), that it's so important for us as parents to step up and take responsibility for teaching our kids...not letting that responsibility fall to church, school, or national media. That means that no matter what the circumstance, and no matter how uncomfortable it makes us feel...we are accountable to God to be 1) knowledgeable of Biblical truths, 2) relevant to and aware of our kids' culture, 3) teachable and willing to seek the answers. It's a lot of work, and an awesome responsibility!

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