Friday, August 7, 2009

Jedi Jaedon Skywalker

Well, it's offical. We have a "Master Jedi" in our midst. (he thinks so anyway ;) On Jaedon's actual bday a friend and I went to the zoo together- just for fun. I also told Jaedon that I would make him his favorite meal for his birthday supper. He said "I think I want pizza. The kind in a box with the sauce. (Papa Johns). HA! That's my kind of home cookin'! ;)
Today we had Jaedon's birthday party and as Brad put it "if I was a 6 year old, I would've had a blast." Hopefully all the other attendees would agree. We played Star Wars bowling (Brad actually put character faces on the pins which the kids thought was GREAT!), Torpedo Toss (that's the picture of the "Star Wars" board that Brad made - it was a bean bag toss but don't tell the kids that ;) , and after some lightsaber cake, Jedi juice and gifts we played the Jedi training ball game. (In the movie young Jedis have to move the ball using their mind (or the FORCE) - ) but we handed out water noodle sabers to everyone instead- which, of course, they then spent the last 30 minutes chasing each other with their noodlesabers. ;) It was a smashing success and in the words of Jedi Master Yoda: "Good the party was. Tired the parents are."

1 comment:

BeckyG. said...

Very Cute pictures! You guys did a great job planning all the fun games and just plain fun! Adrianna had a lot of fun, but of course she does every time she comes to your house! Very cute cake too!

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