Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Answered and continuing prayer

One thing I enjoy about journaling (and blogging I guess) is that you can go back and see how God has worked and was working. Psalm 23 "surely and goodness and mercy will FOLLOW me..." We just have to learn to take a look backward sometime to notice God's goodness and track his mercy in our lives that otherwise we might miss out on seeing the blessing of answered prayers that we have forgotten about. Journaling for me has helped me in my backward looking.
For example- just a few weeks ago I posted about the new Young Marrieds class beginning again. I mentioned how we were praying for another couple to come along side of us to help facilitate the class. Over the last 2 weeks we had the chance to get to know a couple that we've known for awhile but not much more than just seeing them at church. Our families got together and during the course of our evening conversation I felt very prompted to ask if they would consider being that along-side-of couple. To make a long (but really neat) story shorter... they said they would pray about it and then told us the next day that they were "IN"! =)
It's so cool to experience God's appointments and his answered prayer.
Please pray for us and the Clarks as we begin this class this coming Sunday.

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