Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Box to Behold

I love that we spend money on toys for our kids when really and truly- they just want a BOX!
Jaedon and Seth worked feverishly coloring the inside of these boxes - then continued to play with them as a boat, race car, fire engine and a mailbox. So I know what I'm getting them for Christmas ;)

1 comment:

The mom~ster said...

You want to see them think they died and went to heaven...give them a couple old boxes, a couple laundry baskets, an old laundry detergent bucket (I get the 3-5 gallon size). Isn't it amazing what they can come up with. Yesterday Sunni used these things plus some chairs, scarves, a beach ball and a hat to make a guy in the middle of the living room. I walked in later and was startled b/c the whole contraption with the hatted beach ball on top briefly made me think someone was standing there.

Take care,

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