Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I have succumbed!

Ok. I can admit it now -

Jaedon's Veggie Tales Dance Pad is


At Christmas time I was laughing at Brad because he was using the dance pad while the boys were NOT! I mean- c'mon- dancing to Veggies?

But alas, I must admit that today, I, too, have danced on the Dance Pad while the boys are napping/resting.

Does it lessen the sheer nerdiness of it all if I also mention it was on the "exercise" mode?

no- I didn't think so.


Anonymous said...

Alright woman, I invited all of moms group over to use Dance Dance Revolution with me for exercise about 6 months ago, and you all laughed at me!! Maybe now you'll reconsider... :-P

BAHowells said...

Yes, well 6 months ago y'all would've been laughing at ME!! ;)

The mom~ster said...

at least you got excercis...I made cookies for my kids and have eaten at least a baker's dozen... ;O)

Bugle Boy said...

I gave up trashing my school for Lent.

Seriously...I don't observe it...there are so many things that we should give up for good, not just for 40 days. Also, I keep hearing new requirements, such as fasting on Ash Wednesday and no red meat allowed on Friday (which explains all of the fish-fry dinners offered on Fridays). Besides, I know that after a while, my focus won't be on Christ and His sacrifices, it will be on the item that I sacrificed.

I mentioned this in a blog entry, but if someone can observe Lent in the TRUE meaning of the ritual, then they are a better person than I.

Richelle Wright said...

No, of course it doesn't change the nerdiness of it... but who cares if you had fun?

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