Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's been a DAY

There are days. And then there are DAYS.
After de-gooing Seth of his several ounces of mucus crusted on his face this morning, I opted for the bathtub. After the mucus monster was dried he decided to run stark naked thru the house (which I find simply adorable!) He also must have decided the recliner was not quite big enough so he tried to "water" it. uh- not so adorable.
So ok- no big deal, clean it up, and we head out to the mall to listen to the storytime and play at the germ infested playplace - sounds like fun.
We get home and the aforementioned mucusy one was NOT happy about going down for a nap. So I sit in the recliner to read him his FAVORITE book, Goodnight Moon, forgetting the dousing the chair received earlier and realized a bit too late that it was NOT dry yet.
oh well.
So I put Seth in his crib- which is he is even MADDER about b/c we lost his pacis last night (actually he chucked them and we have no idea where they are but try explaining "it's your fault" to a screaming toddler!) so as I turn around to gather his bear from the floor he climbs out of the crib and lands head first. Now, I'm not a member of the brainiacs R Us group but I always thought there was some physics law that required our bodies to land either on our backs or our stomachs -but as I watched Seth fall (it was a slow-mo moment) it was directly head first!! Oww.
Screaming and instant cuddling were in order - naturally. =)
Then I decided, being the planner that I am, to soak some pinto beans for supper - only I wanted to use a quick method which meant boiling them for a few mintues then letting them soak for an hour. Sounds easy right? Enter pregnancy brain - oh yes- I TOTALLY forgot about them. (After telling this to Brad he did not act very surprised since my typical pregnancy blunder is cooking things- MANY THINGS- with the preheat still on) So I went upstairs to my bed with Jaedon to take a nap. I woke up to a strange and shrill beeping - yeah- the smoke alarm was yelling at me! The beans were done!! And the pan is burnt and the ENTIRE house STINKS. (as in open the windows and air this place out stink!)
So the moral of this day is either 1. make sure you check and change your smoke alarm batteries or 2. just stay in bed some days - it's safer!


The mom~ster said...

You made me laugh --- if that is any conolation. I'm so February blue that the kiddos are running around the "circle" downstairs...and I don't care that they are running in the house.

gotta run

BeckyG. said...

Oh need a day out!
At least you can look at it with a funny sense of humor!
I hope your day tomorrow is better!
Remember the time I was boiling eggs and I actually left the house with them still on?:) We had to scrub walls, wash EVERYTHING because there was so much smoke! I think they were going a few hours! It's scary what we forget to do when we are pregnant!

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