Thursday, May 29, 2008

Baby Update part 2

Well, my OB office just called and I "snagged" the last opening for inductions beginning next week. So, Baby 3 has until Sunday night to decide we can do this on our own- otherwise I'm scheduled to be induced on Monday - at (are you ready for this) THREE A.M.!!!!!!! I am a bit disappointed b/c I didn't want to go the way of Pitocin again- and I was willing to wait until next weekend to give the baby another week to make progress- but, alas, they did not have any more openings later in the week.
So it goes....

and maybe we'll go before then anyway!?!


Katie said... you weren't the Amber that was discharged from the hospital Monday night?? You must have thought my email was crazy then! I hope things get moving along quickly. Have you tried canoeing? That is what I did the day before I went into labor. And the whole helicopter thing...crazy!! I would have had my baby in the car trying to make my way to another hospital. Anyway, hang in there!

BeckyG. said...

An end is in sight! He still could make his appearance before then!
Hope you find some fun activities to do that will keep your mind off of it! Just think, this is the last few days he will ever be inside you...hmmm there are good things and bad things about that! I wonder who he will look like?:)

Katie @ the terpblog said...

You sound like you're being very patient! I was induced for both of my kids (before their due dates) so I don't know much about that whole waiting-to-go-into-labor thing. Good luck!

Elizabeth Fanco said...

Hopefully they'll just do the Cervidel at 3 AM and it will get things going just like it did with "Seffers". I know how much you'd love to have the "spontanious labor- rushing to the hospital" type thing happen this time though :-). Praying for a safe delivery of baby _______ either way :-)

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