Thursday, May 29, 2008

Baby Update

Due date week is a catch22. No one wants to call the mom and ask " are ya doin'?" and then the mom thinks -" one must care about me because no one is asking how I'm doing." BUT- if a person is brave enough to ask "the question" - the mom may just roll her eyes and be ANNOYED to have to answer. This is all hypotheical you understand ;)

Sooo....without any questions asked or feelings hurt- ;) I thought I'd let you know....

No. I haven't had the baby yet and yes, I'm doing ok. =)

Actually, things are progressing naturally for me more than they have for the other two so I am hopeful. I've had 2 nights (not in a row) of "hmm, my lower back is really achy." and "where did I put that timer?" BUT- nothing to do much except interrupt my sleep a bit and get my hopes up. They go away in the morning.

I had my "overdue" appt. today and for those of you who don't live in GR (or hid under a rock today)- today was NOT a good day to need the hospital. A medical helipcopter crashed on the helipad on top of the hospital around 11. All the streets were closed and they were evacuating the tower of floors below the helipad- including maternity! My OB's office is connected to the hosptial and therefore also blocked off. My appt. was for 11:30 - great timing!! I found a residential street and walked....a long get to the office, had my ultrasound (just look at those chubby cheeks ;) a non-stress test (the baby wasn't stressed out at all!! He didn't have to walk the mile round trip ;) And we've decided (this is news to my husband too if he's reading this before he gets home) that if the baby doesn't want to come on his own by next Wed. or thursday that they can induce me. SOOo....the end is near! I'm hoping to go into labor on my own - just not TODAY!!!
Because of all of the evacuations, my doctor said 2 of her patients were evacuated WHILE IN LABOR (and of course they couldn't give epidurals b/c they needed to have them walk!)
SO- instead of being depressed that things aren't progressing today, I'm VERY thankful that God knows best and baby is still snug as a bug.
For now.


Becky Gravley said...

ambra! that might be the craziest story i've ever heard. i've been asking jodi and myron about you, and jodi says, "DON'T CALL HER!!" =) soooo....i definitely was interested, but i guess i'm not in the habit of calling anyway, am I?? =) heehe LOVE YOU!!! praying for you and baby howells.

BeckyG. said...

Praying for you girl! I am so anxious to meet the little guy! God knows the perfect timing and who would have thought a helicopter would crash!
You have a great attitude about it and I will pray that you can keep it!
Come on baby!:)

Anonymous said...

I was totally thinking about you when I heard they evacuated the maternity floors too! I'm so glad you weren't involved in that mess, but now that the hospital is open again, come on baby!!! :)
I'm totally laughing at the first part of your post. I, with the first 4 pregnancies, was bombarded with "You're still here???" a TON in those last weeks...such a pain. So, out of respect, I do not ask anyone that! I do, however, ask how they're doing and thanks for explaining all that to me. lol.. :)
If you want to go for another walk or out for spicy food or something, let me

The mom~ster said...

Only you .... thinking about you...

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