Monday, May 5, 2008

Lookie what WE found!!!

I think I must've fell on my head as a child because there are times when I do things that really just equal insanity.

This month, for example, is a bit busy. Besides the normal oil changes, getting a haircut, doctors, dentist and chiro. visits, we have an orientation for Jaedon's school, a "school day" for him next week, a few Sunday School socials, Brad's spring concert, and then there's Mothers Day, my niece's 1st birthday (!), a wedding reception, a small group potluck. Oh and there's that other little thing... having the BABY!! =P

So my theory about the fallen-on-my-head kicks in when I hear myself tell Brad- "HEY! let's redo our kitchen." Ok, not a TOTAL rehaul. Just paint. And...some light fixtures...and.... ;)

Just call me Eve leading my husband to ruin - he thinks it's a great idea!

So on Saturday we, okay, HE- peels off the wallpaper that is there and I try to take the paneling down that is covering the only major wall in the kitchen. OH...and what did we find there? Take a look...

1960's wallpaper - TWO layers of it. Isn't it purty? ;)

So today Brad is picking up dry wall and we're hiding it! =)


The mom~ster said...

LOL--you could always do a retro themed kitchen....oh wow...that sucks

BeckyG. said...

That is quite attrative!
Your original idea was orange right?:)

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