Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary to me...

It's my 14th anniversary today! Wow. That makes me feel old!

May 20, 1994 (that's 14 right? ;) was my last chemo treatment. For some reason I remember that date (and my first treatment) more than the any others of that year. Although I still had 3 months of 5 day/week radiation treatments, I can't tell you any dates of those...SOoooo...I remember May 20th every year instead.
For those of you who didn't know me 14 years ago (or at least don't know me very well right now) I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease in November of 1993- a few weeks after I turned 15. I had 6 months of chemo and 3 months of radiation and aside from hypothyroidism, 3 surgery scars and 6 penpoint tatoos - I'm doing just fine today. 3 children later to boot!!
For those of you who DID know me 14 years ago- why in the world did you let me KEEP wearing that dreadful HAT?!! =D
God is good.


The mom~ster said...

Amen...God is good..I remember when you bro called me with your diagnosis and I went and rode around the city on the bus for a couple hours and prayed/worried about you.

As far as the were totally hip

And that Caila in the pix with you...holy cow

Unknown said...

I third the motion...God is good! It still brings tears to my eyes..thinking about what you went were a great sport! I can't believe that it has been that long..!! And for your hat, NO ONE better say anything about my friend's hat...LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea! Amazing that you went through that at such a young age. And yes, God is good!!!

BeckyG. said...

Praise the Lord! It is amazing how He takes care of us and how many wonderful blessings he gives us! Did you every imagine you would have 3 little boys to love? Okay..4?:)
I am praising God today for your friendship and how much you bless my life! Love you!

The Tell family said...

Loving you friend! So happy to celebrate with you! Praising God for the GREAT things He gives us - even the hard times - because that has brought your here and in our lives today! Praise Him! GOD IS GOOD! ALL THE TIME!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, indeed, how good God is! To call you daughter-in-law is a privilege beyond words. And what you went thru then has helped God to shape & mold you into who you are today, the sweet lady my son loves. Thank you for letting Him do His work! Bless you, Amber!

Love, Mom H

PS And the hat is just totally cool! :-)

grandmarice said...

I remember the day well. I was very thankful that it was your last
treatment. You may not remember what happened that day. We shared the gospel with Dr. Walker. (because of your young age, the staff deveoped such a respect for
you). The church had been praying for another man who was recieving
chemo that day, He said "Whatever,
the young girl has, I want it." His family, who knew you, told him
that she has GOD.
Another thing, Randy Ford gave you flowers and you were passing them out to others.
As far as the hat, it became a
"part of your identity". Remember,
you had a hard time of parting with it.
Remember the time on the way to
a treatment, you told me "Mom, you
know, I could die from this". After a hard swallow, I said "yes,
you could". God had other plans.
Your boys and your life is truly
a miracle to God's grace.

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